Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tunes For the Week

Kaiser Chiefs- Yours Truly, Angry Mob
Kasabian- West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum

(If you don't have these two records, you've seriously missed the point. You don't get it. They are perhaps out of the thousands of records I have top 10.)

The Rifles- Great Escape
Mystery Jets- Twenty One
Yeah Yeah Yeah's- It's Blitz

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I've obviously been away from quite some time, but for good reason. Had 4 audits @ work that were high value targets that had to be done ASAP, so I've been under the gun. However, as you'd expect, we came through with flying colors. Whenever I'm in such scenarios I'm reminded of a quote:

"Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. I wouldn’t give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That’s why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war. Because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans."

A dollar to whomever can tell me who said that.

Full marathon training begins next week, 3 3 mile runs, and 1 5 mile run.

Let's get this party started...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Votto, I'll Make Mention of This...

Joey Votto, perhaps the best player in the NL has been put on the DL for "Stress-Related Issues." Very few things are being mentioned but, one symptom that has been is dizziness. It's a story I know all too well if Joey is facing what I think he's facing.

Through-out most of the year, 2000 I suffered too with an anxiety disorder, it's not pretty. You suffer from your arms tingling, shortness of breath, dizziness, and in some instances blackouts. Thankfully I've gotten past it, but it's something that still to this day you need to manage.

What's important is that these things happen, even to those of us that are seemingly very tough. You feel week, you feel alone, you feel helpless. I only mention this because I would never want anyone I know to have to fight that alone, should you ever cross paths with this know that you are not alone.

Hammering Down

Got a full 5k in 35.52. Slow yes, but nothing short of unbelievable. Just two weeks ago I couldn't even make a mile and a half. I'm pretty sure that the plan now will include running a 5k within the next few weeks.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Theme Songs...

I'm going to keep a running list:

So far I have:

Kasabian: Shoot the Runner
Joey Blower: Hi Ho Ricky Hatton (

New Tunes This Week

The Von Bondies: Love, Hate, and Then There's You
Kaiser Chiefs: Off With Their Heads
Arctic Monkeys: Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
The Enemy UK: Music For The People

The Song Remains the Same...

In many ways. I did two days in a row at 2 mi (mon, tues) took wed off, and just finished a 2.5 mile run in 29 minutes. Shockingly slow, but when you consider that I still remain at around the same weight, one can't be all that surprised by the result. I just don't lose weight no matter what my training looks like. My hope is that as the miles continue to go up, and I eat about the same that I eat now the chain will catch and I'll start losing.

Fat, yes, without question. But I didn't engage this battle with the intention of losing.

In other news, I've been 'promoted' at work. Yes I still have to deal with the hassle that is ID Admin, but I've officially been made the titular head of the Application Security Assessments group. Of course this increase in responsibility came with a massive raise ;)

The song very much remains the same...